"Images of People Made in the Image of God"

Your Photographer

Hello! My name is Brandon Heim.

I started Heimmark because of my love for creation (and definitely not because it's a play on words of "Hallmark"). I've always had a passion for creating things. Whether it was creating silly YouTube videos, terrible video games from a game builder, or even writing stories, I loved being able to create something.

I didn't grow up in a religious household either, and because of that, I never could have imagined I would be a Christian today. This plays a huge role in Heimmark because of Genesis 1:26. God made mankind in His image, then commanded them to be fruitful and multiply. Subduing the Earth in the process. That stuck out to me because when we do this, it's not just something that happens then goes away. Rather when we do this, it leaves a sort of "mark" on the world.

These marks are your family! Your spouse, your kids, the dog, the in-laws, the memories, the achievements, everything! And everyone has played some role in leaving behind something. No matter how great or small it is. And this, I think, is something that should be remembered. The memories made with every "mark" is such a beautiful thing to behold and remember. Which is why I hope to artfully document your "mark" as you and your family fulfill the amazing commandment of Genesis 1:26, together.

Our Sister Companies

We also provide wedding photography, illusion shows, and swing dancing! Check out our sister websites below:

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© 2023 Heimmark | Premiere Family Photography in Aberdeen, South Dakota

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